How To Study Fast And Effectively- Best Tips


When it comes to studying fast and effectively, here are some proven tips I have used as a student to achieve it. I would like you to read this article to the last sentence to get all the juice. Let’s get started!

Being a student, my problem was how to study fast and effectively too, considering that there was a lot of coursework to cover within a limited time. I searched, and asked questions my fellow students about how they keep up on their sides- I discovered this below;

There is no one rule attached to studying fast and effectively, but by trying out various strategies that have helped others, you can find what works for you. And this sentence I gave a trial, today, I can comfortably share the tips I used to study fast, understand better, and improve my long-term memory.

You are still with me, right? Okay. I will take you by the hand through this article and show you those steps that I took. I have also written on how to write a compelling essay for admission into college, read up if you are interested.

Which Time is the Best Time for Studying?

Scientifically, the brain is very open to assimilate between the hours of 10 am – 2 pm and 4 pm – 10 pm. To practice deep learning and 100% focus, studying between the hours of 4 am and 7 am does the job. Personally, I am very teachable and understand better when I study in the morning hours.

How to Study Fast and Effectively

Here are the strategies or tips you can use to study effectively. It worked for me, it should work for you too, even if it is not all. Stay with me.

1. Being Organized

This is the first step to studying fast and effectively. Organizing yourself goes a long way in helping you achieve your academic goal. What really do I mean by getting organized?

It is simply making your to-do list before you sleep at night, bringing out all materials you will be using in class beforehand, arranging your books or packing your bag the night before, having a diary where you keep track of assignments and their deadlines, etc.

2. Attend Classes

I would have said “Don’t skip classes” but it would sound like a command. No, I’m here to share tips. Please attend classes. There is something called active listening, and first-hand speech. This helps when reading as the voice of your teacher comes back playing in your head.

You remember the gesticulations made while the teaching was going on, the jokes made, the explanations given, etc. This will help you to just to study faster but also understand better and deeply.

3. Write Notes

By now, you must have known the importance of taking down notes during lectures. There is this popular saying that “Great men take notes because the brain is meant to think, and not to remember”. Notes help you keep information that you will always refer back to.

Sometimes, you may want to make a smaller note from the note you took in the class. This time, you are focusing on the key points, highlighting definitions, examples, etc. This will make it easier to read faster and understand too.

4. Ask Questions in Class

It is one thing to study, it is another thing to study what you understand. There are times when the topic taught is entirely new to you and leaves you in a confused state. Instead of bottling up with the intention of reading it later, ask questions.

Your questions will help the teacher or lecturer to break down the topic in a way that you will comprehend. Who knows, the teacher may even extend a hand to teach you more after the class.

5. Study Consistently

“A consistent average is better than occasional excellence” is a statement that also applies to academics. There is something about consistency. One hour daily, two hours daily, just do it!

Bit by bit, little by little, everything will add up. You will retain more information when you break down your study load, than doing a stretched-long session.

6. Make Use of Reading Timetables or Study Plans

This is simply having a schedule or direction with which you read. It will not only help you to maximize your time well but will also make you attain your set targets.

A reading timetable helps you to be organized and dedicated, helps you break down your study load into manageable bits, enables you to plan ahead so as to avoid last-minute rush, etc.

7. Read with Semantics and Acronyms

Knowing the meaning of words and phrases used in a sentence has an important role to play in both reading and comprehending. I can remember when we were taught about the characteristics of living things. The teacher while trying to help us remember used acronyms to teach us.

She said once you remember the acronym “MR NIGER” you can mention the characteristics of living things. M represents Movement, R for Respiration, N for Nutrition, I for Irritability, G for Growth, E for Excretion, and finally R for Respiration.

You too can use acronyms like this in your reading to study faster and more effectively.

8. Study in a Quiet Place

Unless you are the type that understands better with noise which I doubt, there is every need to set up a quiet study place. A conducive place for studying should be well-lit, void of noise and distraction, etc.

There should also be a proper reading desk. While inside this place, you should consider putting your phone on “do not disturb” or even switch it off for the duration of your study.

9. Join a Study Group

While this doesn’t work for everyone, you can try it out to see if it works for you. A study group will help keep you accountable, test and ask you questions on the materials you’ve read, help you stay motivated, share their reading resources with you, and above all encourage you when you are down.

Can I Study Fast Without Forgetting?

Yes, you can. With all the tips I gave above, you can be sure to study fast, and also remember them.

Making use of semantics and acronyms, asking questions to your lecturers when you are confused, studying consistently, and many others are the tips that will help you study faster and more effectively.

What is the Best Way to Study?

There is no best way to study. You just have to find out what is working for you and stick to it as everyone is different, and so learn differently.

Are There Software That Can Help Me Study Effectively?

Yes, there are. Some of them are what I listed below;

  • Forest: This app helps you stay focused on the important things in life. Do you want to stay focused whenever, wherever? Get this app now!
  • My Math Alarm Clock: This software helps you deal with oversleeping in the morning, and makes sure you get up on time whenever you want and wherever you are.
  • Study: This is an app that helps deliver 45 minutes of productivity-boosting sound that can filter noise, improve cognition, and reduce fatigue.


When it comes to studying fast and effectively, this article has provided all you need. I shared these strategies and tips because they worked for me, and I’m certain they will work for you too.

I wish you the best of luck.


About Ezeh James

Ezeh James is an educational writer and researcher who has a burning desire to help scholars reach the peak of their academic dreams and never relents in providing valid information to assist students at any time. Aside from writing, James creates top-notch graphic design solutions, and proffer data analysis services.

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