How To Write A Good Essay For College Application


Do you know that knowing how to join words in order to communicate effectively can help make your application stand out? Join me as I share the strategies you can use to write a good essay for college application.

While applying for admission or scholarship in a school, you may be required to present your official documents, fill in the application forms, and finally submit a well-written essay. This essay is where you will have to prove to the school beyond all reasonable doubt that you are the right person for admission.

What am I trying to say?

I’m simply saying that your college essay is a unique time to sell yourself to the admission officials or committees and make them see the reasons why you should be shortlisted for admission or scholarship.

I can tell you for free that the admission committee attends to thousands of applications yearly, and so you must find a way to make yours stand out. A well-written essay can do the work. We are still together, right?

So, in this article, I will discuss with you the best steps on how to write a good essay for a college application. Follow me closely with rapt attention.

How To Write A Good Essay For College Application

Read through these steps carefully, and find out how you can make your essay stand out while applying for college admissions.

Read the Instructions

Without mincing words, many people have got it all wrong in this phase- writing without carefully going through the instructions first. The truth is this; if you don’t adhere to the guidelines of writing the application essay, assumptions can be made that you will not adhere to the university’s programs when admitted. Give it a thought.

If the essay guideline says “not more than 500 words”, please stick to it. In the same way, you should also obey the font used, size, format for submission, etc.

Be Original

Now that you have gotten a glimpse of what is required of you, you can start your first draft with originality at the back of your mind. Many writers don’t know this, but inauthenticity can really be detected when an article or essay is being read.

There is not much gain in playing the role of who you are not. Your own voice, your own story, your own humor, your honesty, etc., is all that is needed to make you stand out. Write something that is easily relatable, and not one that portrays you as one Superman somewhere.

Make Your Introduction Very Compelling

With thousands of applications and essays waiting to be reviewed, I can tell you that the admission officers will not waste time putting down any essay whose introduction is not compelling enough to glue the reader.

Start with a powerful paragraph that somehow will unveil what your essay is all about, and catch the attention of the reader. You can start with a story, a thoughtful quote, a mind-boggling question, etc. Whatever will seize the imagination of the reader within the first few minutes of reading, do it.

Avoid Excessive Use of Clichés & Facts

It is true that the usage of figures, facts, metaphors, etc., normally impresses people, however, stuffing it into your essay is not really a good practice. There are deeper themes to focus on.

The college admission officers want to hear your story, how you passed some stages in life, your challenges & how you overcame them, and maybe your success stories as well.

They want to know how engaging in school politics transformed you, how that volunteering role made you a better leader or person in society, what your future looks like, etc.

Make your essay to be logical and have originality.

Creatively Use Good Examples to Expand Your Essay

Instead of listing, and stating facts, you can share your personal story where the point you are trying to pass was seen. This is more like using stories to drive home your points.

Set imaginative scenes, and bring your readers into it. This way, they will see things from your point of view too, or at least understand why your opinion is the way it is.

Try a Different Approach While Still Sticking to The Essay Guidelines

What I am saying is this- it is normal for students to share their wins & achievements, places they have gone, volunteering roles they have played, help they have rendered, etc.

Now, what if you do something different by sharing your failure stories, and how it has built you to become a better leader or person? What if you craft your essay in a way that there is a mind-boggling question to ponder at the end of each paragraph?

Good, right?

Write Like Human

This may be funny, but there are people who tell abstract stories that humans can’t relate to. As a matter of fact, after writing, ask yourself; If I were to be the reader of this essay, would I read it completely? What grade would I give it?

This will help you to remain logical, and have your essay organized. An essay that has cohesion will always be spotted easily.

Request for Your Essay to Be Reviewed by Others

Before you submit or upload your essay, ask others to read it. You can ask your siblings, as well as your teacher or even your parents. Listen to what they have to say about it.

Ask them what they understood after going through the essay, and if there are better ways you could present your ideas. Just hear them out. Who knows if they will give you an insight you didn’t really think about?

Close Your Essay Properly

The same way you started it properly, end it so. Don’t make the mistake of ending it anyhow. There is such a thing as solidifying your impression with your last words.

A hack is to use a punchline, sentence, paragraph, or whatever that will bring all you have said earlier together. Be concise and clear as possible as you can.

Final Thoughts

Writing a good college essay is not all that is required of you to gain admission, however, it is still among the requirements.

With a well-written essay, you have increased your chances of getting that admission.

If need be, go through this article again, and get the strategies I pointed out. Write your way into the college today.

I wish you the best of luck!


About Ezeh James

Ezeh James is an educational writer and researcher who has a burning desire to help scholars reach the peak of their academic dreams and never relents in providing valid information to assist students at any time. Aside from writing, James creates top-notch graphic design solutions, and proffer data analysis services.

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